Club Charter - Developing the future of squash in England

England Squash Community Club Development Programme Submission



1.      Introduction


1.1.   England Squash is delighted to be included in the Community Club Development Programme (CCDP) and is totally supportive of the basis of the programme to increase participation in sport through the development of community based sports clubs. England Squash are in full support of this type of funding programme as it allows the governing body to strategically identify and support those clubs in greatest need for facility and development support.


1.2.   The format of the portfolio has followed the guidelines issued by Sport England to all those National Governing Bodies of sport invited to be part of this unique capital funding programme.


1.3.   The aim of the England Squash submission is one that reflects the outcomes of the facilities strategy, 2000 -2005, and the development aims of the organisation deliverable to member clubs through the Club Charter initiative.


1.4.   Using the Club Charter as the vehicle, Club Development is central to the overall development strategy of England Squash and is proud that its club network underpins much of the outcomes considered to be essential for the successful delivery of the four year business plan.


1.5.   The England Squash Investment Strategy for the CCDP builds on this focus and is seen as an extension to The Club Charter, its national programme for club development, which relates directly to the aims and objectives of the CCDP and Clubmark.


1.6.   The strong commitment to supporting the club infrastructure can be further demonstrated by the growth in the staffing of its Development Department over the last 2 years, where significant investment has been directed towards our member clubs:


§         Adrian Christy, Director of Development & Competitions

§         Malcolm Dawson, Network Manager

§         6 x Area Offices, each comprising of:

o        Area Squash Manager

o        Area Coach

o        Area Administrator


§         In addition, England Squash employs 11 part time Squash Development Officers and contributes partnership funding towards 5 Community Squash Coaches and 9 Community Sports (Rackets) Coaches.



Rational for Selection


2.      England Squash Facilities Strategy 2000 – 2005


2.1.   In 2000, England Squash published it’s facilities strategy which identified a focus on specific areas required to support the long term development


2.2.   The production of the facility strategy enabled England Squash to identify and focus on priorities for facility development


2.3.   The Strategy sets out the key facility needs for squash and clearly links these needs to the World Class Programme and developmental objectives of the organisation.


2.4.   The strategy gives support and guidance to England Squash and its Areas in planning for future demand. By delivering properly integrated facility and sports development strategies, new and realistic partnerships have been encouraged and forged.


2.5.   Those clubs selected for inclusion within this Community Club Development Programme (CCDP) submission have been identified and prioritised against the facility strategy.



3.      England Squash Business Plan 2005 – 2009


3.1.   The Whole Sport Plan process was a catalyst for England Squash to review its operation, and led to the publication of it’s Corporate Business Plan


3.2.   The process of gathering information for the Plan included an extensive audit and consultation exercise resulting in the club sector being one of the key priorities for investment.


3.3.   The Plan provides a co-ordinated framework for development for the next four years and, through The Club Charter, allows for targets to be cascaded down to Area, County and Club development plans. It will ensure that all of the membership is working in one direction towards the same objectives and goals.



4.      The Club Charter


4.1.   Launched in 2000, the Club Charter is one of the sports most exciting initiatives, providing opportunities to develop clubs, coaches, volunteers and players.


4.2.   Through the Club Charter, England Squash are putting clubs at the top of the agenda in terms of support and activity. The long term success of squash in this country is very much dependant on a strong, vibrant network of forward thinking clubs that are accessible and welcoming, have good facilities and provide a range of coaching and competitive opportunities.


4.3.   The Club Charter is about making a difference to clubs regardless of their size. It is about recognising that clubs have the most important role in squash in this country and how we can work together to get more people into the game and offer a quality experience for players of all ages and abilities.


4.4.   The Club Charter, a progressive club development programme, has a simple vision to:


4.4.1.      Increase the number of adults and juniors playing squash through sound playing and competitive club programmes


4.4.2.      Increase the recruitment, education and development of coaches and volunteers


4.4.3.      Improve the infrastructure of our club network


4.5.   The mechanics of the Club Charter have been developed in such a way as to include clubs in its broadest sense; members clubs, commercial clubs, clubs operating from schools, after school clubs, leisure centres and universities – anywhere where organised activity takes place. In addition the Club Charter is structured in a way that allows any club, regardless of its size, to aspire to and achieve the highest possible levels of development.


5.      Club Selection and Capital Programme


5.1.   Three main principles were used for the initial selection of clubs for the programme. Firstly, the need to consider whether clubs selected would be able to deliver the sports development principles identified within the England Squash Business Plan. Secondly, the strategic identification of the club within the England Squash Facilities Strategy. Third, Clubs selected will need to demonstrate their ability to comply with the principles of the England Squash Equity & Ethics Plans.


5.2.   It is also England Squash’s responsibility to consider how our selection of Clubs meets the two key recommendations in the Government’s ‘Game Plan’ report, namely increasing grass roots participation and improving organisational delivery. All clubs selected through their development plans meet or will meet these recommendations.


5.3.   The intention of the CCDP is to create a sustainable and financially viable sports club infrastructure in England that meets the needs of local communities and provides appropriate support and pathways for identifying and developing talented individuals. Once again those clubs identified meet these aims.


5.4.   A minimum of 50% of the portfolio will be in or predominantly impact upon wards in the top 20%.  The individual project summaries in Section 7 state the IMD of each project and how the wards are targeted


5.5.   The Investment Strategy will contribute towards increasing club membership levels among young people and low participant groups, in particular women and girls, D and E social class groups, black and other minority groups and disabled people. The individual project summaries in Section 7 provide details of how this will be achieved.


5.6.   Taking in to account 5.1 to 5.3 the following also has been used to assist with England Squash’s selection of eligible clubs;


5.6.1.      Does the club have a track record of sports development / community outreach work?


5.6.2.      Does England Squash consider that the provision of the proposed facility will contribute towards increasing club membership levels among young people and low participant groups?


5.6.3.      Is the club within the top 20% of the IMD?


5.6.4.      Is the club of sound financial footing and can it manage a significant capital investment?


5.6.5.      Is the club a member of the England Squash Club Charter programme? All clubs selected will have to work towards obtaining the Silver level or be committed to achieving the Silver level within 6 months of a project receiving approval.


5.6.6.      Does the club have or is working towards the development of a Club Development Plan?


5.6.7.      Does the Club adhere to the England Squash Child Protection policy and procedures? This will be met through the awarding of Club Charter status.


5.6.8.      Does the Club adhere to the England Squash Equity policy? This will be met through the awarding of Club Charter status.


5.6.9.      Does the club have partnerships with local schools?


5.6.10.  Does the club have a track record in partnership working – County Sports Partnerships, Local Authorities, Local Community Groups?


5.6.11.  Does the club have £1:£1 Partnership Funding in place to support the project? 


5.6.12.  An indication in the project descriptions as to whether or not any revenue funding is being secured or if projects are linking into initiatives such as the Community Sports Coach Scheme.


5.7.   The identification of clubs will be via a two way consultation exercise conducted as part of our ongoing invitation to clubs to be awarded Charter status


5.8.   From the list of identified strategic facility developments many will be seeking financial support from other funding programmes, e.g. Sport Lottery Fund Capital Programme, New Opportunities Funding, and Local Development Agencies etc.


5.9.   Applying the criteria of the Community Club Development Programme, set out in 5.1 – 5.4, the following have been identified to form the portfolio submission;



Table 1: Identified Clubs


This table will outline the selected clubs




England Squash Area

Sport England Region



































6.      Club Infrastructure


6.1.   The following section details the infrastructure and project proposal for each of the identified clubs and the corresponding financial period to draw on the CCDP funding. Table 2 summarises this breakdown.


6.2.   All of the clubs are aware of, and have plans for, secondary income generation to provide increased revenue.


6.3.   In all cases where clubs do not own the freehold of the site, each club has a minimum 21 year lease, and in most cases a significantly greater period than this.


Table 2: Project Years to Club


2006 / 2007

2007 / 2008











7.      Project Summaries (to be added once projects have been identified)


7.1.   E.g. X Squash Club – typical summary info to include:


7.1.1.      The club’s geographical location and highlights the surrounding wards and their respective Indices of Deprivation


7.1.2.      Reference to the Club Development Plan – need to highlight how growth in membership among young people and low participant groups, in particular women and girls, D and E social class groups, black and other minority groups and/or disabled people will be achieved.


7.1.3.      Brief club background – commitment to outreach work, number of partnerships with local school, strength of junior and senior sections, number of coaches and active volunteers etc


7.1.4.      Summary of existing club facilities


7.1.5.      Summary of proposed facility


7.1.6.      Position of lease – freehold or length of tenure


7.1.7.      Funding partners – just club, local development agencies etc


7.1.8.      Highlight any track record in partnership working – County Sports Partnerships, Local Authorities, Local Community Groups?


7.1.9.      An indication as to whether or not any revenue funding has been secured


7.1.10.  Is the projects linked to initiatives such as the Community Sports Coach Scheme or PESSCL


8.      Project Prioritisation and Costings


8.1.   England Squash has been requested to identify the projects proposed in descending order of priority. The CCDP has provided a unique opportunity for the sport and its member clubs and a number of key factors have been considered when prioritising the proposed projects put forward in this submission.


8.2.   To provide a descending order to the insert number of clubs an assessment of their present and future development position has been scored against the criteria detailed in section 5 of this submission. Table 4 provides a matrix detailing each clubs position to the infrastructure criteria.


8.3.   The individual financial bids for each of the proposed projects are detailed in Table 3 with their respective financial year when a request will be made to draw down project funding. For some of the projects the bid figure is not the definitive cost but a good budget figure supplied by contractors.


Table 3: Project Costings and Financial Year


2006 / 2007

Estimated Capital Expenditure










Total No. of Projects and Financial Year Total Expenditure

 X Projects totalling £


2007 / 2008

Estimated Capital Expenditure









Total No. of Projects and Financial Year Total Expenditure

 X Projects totalling £


Table 4: Club Prioritisation Matrix - Scoring is out of 5 with 5 being highest



(Report Ref)

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Club Name

Track record of development/outreach work (5.6.1)









Impact on Young People/low participant groups (5.6.2)









Within top 20% of the IMD (5.6.3)









Financial Position (5.6.4)









Currently holds Club Charter Silver status (5.6.5)









Club has a Development Plan (5.6.6)









Compliance with England Squash Child Protection Policy (5.6.7)









Compliance with England Squash Equity Policy (5.6.8)









Partnership with Schools (5.6.9)









Partnerships with CSP’s/LA’s etc. (5.6.10)









£1:£1 Partnership Funding (5.6.11)









Links to PESSCL/CSC’s (5.6.12)





































9.      Summary










Community Club Development Programme


Schedule of Activity








DCMS agree framework for the £60m programme and invite Roger Draper to Chair Project Board



Project Board formed and draft Memorandum of Agreement and aims, objectives and key PI’s agreed





MoA signed by participating NGB’s, DCMS and Sport England



Business process signed off by DCMS



Programme launch





England Squash invited into the programme as one of the Phase 2 sports to effective from April 2006



Clink Godfrey (Sport England) appointed as the England Squash Link Officer for CCDP



Draft guidelines produced and issued to Board of Directors



ASMs issued with club matrix template to complete against Indices of Multiple Deprivation



Meet Racket Sports to discuss Multi Sport Rackets project opportunities



Complete first draft of the Investment Strategy and present to December Board meeting



Investment Strategy draft presented to Board on 15th December



Initiate expressions of interest from every affiliated clubs following Board approval.



Form a Project Board – draft terms of reference and identify members









Deadline for receipt of Round 1 Outline bids



1st Stage Outline Bids returned to England Squash/SE and assessed against eligibility criteria



Project Board consider 1st Stage Outline bids and issues 2nd Stage invitations to develop bids into detailed applications



Deadline for receipt of 2nd Stage applications



2nd Stage applications returned to England Squash/SE and assessed against eligibility criteria.



Project Board consider 2nd Stage applications and confirms projects to submit to Sport England



England Squash Investment Strategy submitted to Sport England


April onwards

England Squash and Sport England work in partnership with clubs to develop each project


March 2008

All funding awarded through the CCDP must be committed.




Section 1National Governing Body details


The applicant should be the organisation who will be responsible for the project. This section of the form should be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS or type.



Name of National Governing Body: England Squash



Name of NGB contact:  Adrian Christy


Job title: Director of Development & Competitions



Telephone contact numbers:


Work: 01403 265947


Mobile: 07980 816601      



NGB’s registered address:


National Squash Centre

Rowsley Street


M11 3FF



Fax: 01403 265947



e-mail address: adrian.christy@englandsquash.com


Correspondence address (if different to above):







 Section 2 – The Club


2a   Tell us about the club on whose behalf you are applying (where the project relates to a number of      clubs, please include details of the host or lead club):


Club Contact



Name of club:









Number of senior squash playing club members:





Number of junior squash playing club members:






2b        What security of tenure will you have on the project site? Please tick the appropriate box and provide evidence as part of the application








What percentage of club members are from a black and ethnic minority background?







What percentage of club members are registered disabled?






What percentage of club members are female?






Please attach a copy of the club’s current (tick the box to confirm this has been enclosed):



Latest set of audited accounts



2f      Please indicate the tenure held by your club



Tick as appropriate







Seeking purchase





2g     Do you currently have any of the following available at your Club? (Please provide the number)




Licensed Coaches


Unqualified Coaches working towards their qualification.





 2h      What level of the Club Charter does your club currently hold? (please ü):












2i       If the club does hold the Charter award, what level would the club commit to achieving within 6 months of project approval? (please ü):













2j        Does your Club have links with any of the following (please ü):








Other Sports Clubs


Youth Groups


Local Authority


Community Groups



2k    What type of facilities does the club currently have on site that are used for squash?


Indoor Facilities


































Outside Facilities.






Section 3 – The Project


3a     If this application is successful, what additional facilities will you provide and who will use them? 
























Who will use them





Total estimated cost of facilities: £


3b        Please indicate the projected growth in members as a result of the project


Number of senior squash playing club members:





Number of junior squash playing club members:






3c        Please indicate the current position with regards design (please ü)




Full plan drafted


Outline plan drafted


Architects appointed – plans not yet drafted


Not at any of the stages above



3d        Please indicate the current position with regards planning consent (please ü)




Full Approval


Outline Approval


Awaiting a planning decision


Plans not yet submitted




1.  Authorised signatory for National Governing Body i.e. Project Manager for Club Development Programme















Status Within Organisation




On behalf of (NGB)



2.  Authorised signatory for club i.e. Club Chairman, President, Secretary or other delegated officer















Status Within Organisation




On behalf of (Club)





Please use this checklist to make sure you have provided all the information we need:


Tick to confirm




I have answered all the questions as requested




I have enclosed the club’s current constitution and latest set of audited accounts



This form has been signed and dated by an authorised person



I have a photocopy of this application and all the attached paperwork so I can refer to it if you have any queries



Please return the completed form to:


Adrian Christy

Director of Development & Competitions

England Squash

National Squash Centre

Rowsley Street


M11 3FF


No later than Friday 20th January 2006